Pavel Durov, the chief executive of Telegram, is due in court later to face possible charges linked to alleged criminal activity on the platform. The billionaire founder of the encrypted messaging and social media app was arrested in France on Saturday after his private jet landed at Le Bourget airport…
The bosses of the world’s biggest social media companies have typically avoided personal repercussions, even when their platforms have…
US tech stocks are falling despite Nvidia, the chipmaker driving the artificial intelligence (AI) led stock market boom, reporting…
Champions League organisers have assured clubs and fans there is no possibility of the new AI-assisted draw for the…
Mark Zuckerberg has claimed that senior officials within the Biden administration “repeatedly pressured” Meta to “censor” COVID-related content during…
A virus that affects sheep and cows has been detected in the UK after a “rapid increase” across Europe.…
Scientists are “working blindly” in Africa to track and tackle mpox, an infectious disease expert, who also chairs the…