The Indian benchmark Nifty 50 extended its corrective decline. Over the past four sessions of a truncated week, the Nifty 50 index remained largely under selling pressure, and the markets continued with their process of mean-reversion. The volatility, though, did not show any major surge. The volatility gauge, IndiaVIX rose…
(This is an excerpt from the subscriber-only DP Weekly Wrap for Friday) On Friday, the Biotechnology ETF (IBB) 20-day…
There’s no denying the strength that the mega-cap growth names have exerted on the equity markets in 2024. With their…
In this exclusive StockCharts video, Joe explains how to use an 18 simple moving average in multiple timeframes to…
Should you buy calls/puts? Should you write covered calls? Or should you trade bull/bear vertical spreads? That’s a lot…
Now that Q4 historical bullishness has kicked in, it’s time to allow the bears to go into hibernation, while…